Monday, 28 May 2012

DotA v6.74c AI 1.3b(HOPE) | Official DotA 6.74c AI 1.3b Download and Changelogs


You can download other AI maps from here



All content from 6.73+ added
All content from 6.74+ added


  1. Attempt-fix: Nevermore`s Requiem of Souls no damage
  2. Fixed: Magi keep Unrefined Fireblast after dropping Aghanim`s
  3. Fixed: Techies don't Detonate after having Scepter
  4. Fixed: Techies walking through creeps' barrage to put mine
  5. Fixed: BoT used to nearby units
  6. Attempt-fix: AI spells against corpses
  7. Fixed: Extra vision over secret shops fixed
  8. New debug command: -dbg [Player ID]. Use to filter all messages by player ID. This will also immediately clear all screen messages and display all past record from corresponding player (visible via Single Player or Replay in Log). Max 50 records.
  9. Fixed: AI Item duplication in -pm
  10. Fixed: AI buying more than 1 detector item.
  11. Fixed: AI teleporting to nearby units.
  12. Fixed: AI building more than 6 luxuries
  13. Fixed: AI leaving BoT in base
  14. Fixed: Visage's Aghanim not recognized as priority 100 (in further development, all new Aghanim will be recognized automatically)
  15. Fixed: AI dropping items which can change state (e.g. Heart, Dagger, Tranquil Boots, Linken, BKB, Bottle, Thread, Basilus, etc.)
  16. Fixed: Pipe being used randomly
  17. Fixed: Meepo clones using BoT
  18. Tweaked: Item builds by Green
  19. Added: dodge mech against Sprout
  20. Fixed: Venge's Nether Swap targetting creeps
  21. Fixed: Fixed Scourge AI going to forbidden lanes specified by -nm -nt -nb
  22. Fixed: AI ganking enemies in forbidden lanes.
  23. Fixed: non-working Linken Sphere.
  24. Fixed: final scoreboard icons on player who doesn't select hero.
  25. Fixed: AI not using Dragon Tail. New skillbuild for DK.
  26. Fixed: teleporation-style battle assist to nearby allies.
  27. Added: anti-item-dupe mech
  28. Attempt: to prevent invisible heroes from breaking invisibility when retreating.
  29. Added: Refraction to dodge incoming spells.
  30. Fixed: item system: item charges not replenished properly, anti-dupe potential problem with Bear.
  31. Replaced: Destroyer's Jango with Force Staff.
  32. Minor bugfixes on item system.
  33. Minor tweak on ganking behaviour.
  34. Minor tweak on Storm's ulti mechanism.
  35. Pulled AI fountain waypoint backward (nearer to fountain).
  36. Fixed: Gem/Ward/Dust bug.
  37. Fixed: dupe bugs for Player 1 and Player 6 in -cm
  38. Tweak: leftmost and rightmost AI movement before leaving base in -cm.
  39. Fixed: disabled -swap after first item bought. Before, -swap was disabled when first creep wave spawned and human player could swap with AI already bought items. Also a minor fix to the official code... the setting time function: time is set now according to first_creep_wave_spawned boolean, and not the swap_timer_expired boolean.(last minute fix)

DotA 6.72f AI 1.2 (Nightmare) UPDATED | Official DotA 6.72f AI 1.2 Download and Changelogs




Fixed: Windrunner group lost bug removed.
Fixed: Some minor tweak in aiming func.
Fixed: Human KotL auto-using Recall.
Fixed: Delay bug in AIAttackedByHumanHero
Added storing of learn and use skills by heroes.
Fixed: Magnus' not using Reverse.
Fixed: Magnus' itembuild.
Applied range check to Sprout (Furion's) and Shackle (Rhasta, plus disable check). Now both won't use the spell against enemy out of range -> no rambo mode, no missed Sprout.
Tauren now use ability to join with idle spirit.
Fixed: KotL Illuminate, added extra use.
Improved AI: usage of SandKing's Burrowstrike and Epi-Blink.
Little improvement on Shadowfiend's Shadow Raze
Undid all fake abilities, changing base order instead. (Troll's Ranged Whirling Axe, Batrider's Firebreak, Phoenix' Sun Ray)
Fixed: Akasha not using ulti.
Fixed: incorrect SunRay order.
Fixed: Lone Druid not using Rabid and some bug in Battlecry usage.
Fixed: problems in channel-based skills.
Fixed: some bugs related to skill learning, esp. Huskar.
Meld should not decrease building's armor anymore.
Fair aggro attempt. Orb attack do not count as attack.
Fixed: Leshrac's AI (now use Edict and Nova properly)
Applied the "free mode" to AI's scroll of town portal (supposedly decrease tp-cancel probability).
AI Assault Cuirass Recipe fix: 1500 -> 1300

DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 (Nightmare) UPDATED | Official DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 Download and Changelogs



  1. Fixed: Spectre's Reality auto-usage on nearest low hp enemy when Haunt is casted.
  2. Fixed: Player gets extra ability when swaping any hero with Troll AI ( Range Axe ). Same goes to Batrider ( 2nd skill ).
  3. Fixed: dupe item bug in Circle of Power area.
  4. Fixed: Respawn doesnt work when killed while under ult of Pandaren Brewmaster ( Primal Spirits ).
  5. Fixed: Io's Overcharge didn`t work.
  6. Fixed: Naga Siren's ult didn`t work.
  7. Fixed: Furion AI ult didn`t work properly.
  8. Fixed: Courier flying bug.
  9. Fixed Shadow Poison, Earthsplitter, Pounce, and Song of Siren's usage condition.
  10. Improved AI: Geomancer (Poof spamming and Earthbind), KotL (increased Blinding Light offset loc).
  11. Fixed AI item bug on carrying aegis.
  12. Fixed AI orb abilities and Splitshot usage.
  13. Fixed bug on DE/DG
  14. Fixed bug on AI trying to Roshan/gank after game ends.
  15. Changed -sh AI naming (now using colors instead of unit name)
  16. Attempt to fix player leaving on 0:00
  17. Invoker skills build change. New levels are:
  18. Quas: 4 14 15 16 18 20 21
  19. Wex: 6 10 19 22 23 24 25
  20. Added new "fake" ability 'CF03' (Phoenix' Sun Ray)
  21. Fixed heroes AI : Silencer (Curse of Silence), Lich (Frost Armor), Venomancer (Ward), Chen (Holy Persuation), Soul Keeper (was using Reflection on allies), Naga Siren (Song of the Siren bug fixed, condition reworked), Tauren (Earthsplitter improved), Shadow Demon (Shadow Poison?)
  22. Improved hero AI: Phoenix (Sun Ray)
  23. Fixed AI gold bug. Set -ng gold bonus into 0.
  24. Attempting to fix Axe's bug.
  25. Fixed AI behavior against Divine Rapier.
  26. Increased range check for Stasis Ward and Earthsplit dodge.
  27. Improved heroes AI: Disruptor (all skills), Ancient Appariton (Ice Blast condition and aiming), Gyro (Call-Down condition)
  28. Fixed AI behaviour toward gems.
  29. Added message on AI returning Divine Rapier to owner's circle.
  30. Fixed Phoenix' Fire Spirit slowing.
  31. Fixed Juggernaut's using Blade Fury while Omnislashing.
  32. Attempted to fix AI indecisive laning and base-stuck bug.
  33. Changed Rubick's itembuild
  34. Fixed AI Charge of Darkness, improved usage.
  35. Fixed Axe's berserker's call bug
  36. Fixed -dummy bug
  37. Io and Meepo Item Builds fixed.

DotA 6.72f AI 1.0 (Nightmare) | Official DotA 6.72f AI Download & Changelogs

DotA v6.72f AI (NIGHTMARE)

Greetings! Welcome to the latest official AI DotA custom map.

NIGHTMARE ... massive official map changes, too many broken skills, too many systems completely rewritten, too much caffeine, too many new AI heroes added...  This map was an equal nightmare and a new hope for a better times. We should all thank the AI Team and Cloud_str for devoting those months so you all can enjoy that fine map.

The biggest changes are: -captains mode active (AI will pick and ban), all heroes got AI now, completely rewritten defense mechanism, item buying system, new gank system and so many other changes... that you`ll have to read the whole changelog to find them.. although many of the changes are invisible for you but they are in the code.

What is AI 1.0? - we plan to release a more BMP style incremental releases which will include only AI code changes. We will change only the AI numbers in those incremental revisions.

Enjoy DotA v6.72f AI, codenamed NIGHTMARE!

KNOWN BUGS: Recipe dupe when buying the recipes from far position (not at fountain).



All changes since 6.71b are ported. The changes were huge so you can see them in IceFrog`s list at DotA Changelogs - 6.72f.

1. -cm (Captains Mode) ported and ENABLED.
2. AI will ban/pick along with humans in -cm mode.
3. Hero class system. Now AI choose heroes more strategically
4. All heroes now have complete AI.
5. Added gank system. aiWarBalance system now implemented
6. New AI auto-lane balance
7. New AI auto-Roshan system.
8. Added AI message system. Disable with command -aimsg during the game.
9. Added AI report-missing heroes system. Disable with command -aimsgmiss during the game.
10. Completely rewritten defense system, lvl. 1&2 tower defense system.
11. Improved AI assist system, now allows AI across the map to assist allies in battle.
12. AI now using Glyph of Fortification. If a human leader is present, AI will remind humans instead. Enable/disable auto-glyph by allies with the command -aiglyph during the game.
13. Added AI Board to show what AI is doing. Disable/enable using -aiboard.
14. Rebalanced -dynamicexp and -dynamicgold.
- AI now gets 25% bonus exp/2 gold rate per death, and loses 50% of the bonus on kill (25% on assist).
- AI will automatically get a death bonus if he has no death/kill/assist in 3 minutes (starting at 5 mins mark).
- -DE/-DG is now compatible with any exp/gold mode.
- AI bonus exp/gold in multiboard are now toggle-able by -aidynamic.
15. New "mode-pack":
-beginnermode (-bm) = -neng
-advancedmode (-am) = -nengdedg
-xtrememode (-xm) = -hehgdedg
16. Changed AI naming rule, now using HeroProperName instead. -> shorter name, better view on multiboard.
17. Fixed Kaldr's not recognizing IceBlast order (852662) when there are other heroes with same order. IceBlast hack removed.
18. Flack Cannon rewritten again.
19. Nevermore Requiem of Souls fix for Human and AI players.
20. Some corrections to Walrus Punch
21. Fixes to Gondar`s WindWalk.
22. Gondar`s Jinada rewritten.
- Fixed Gondar's Jinada not working properly if the cooldown is finished in the middle of WW.
- Fixed Gondar's Jinada not working properly if the cooldown is finished in the middle of an attack.
23. Added some names in -coolnames list.
24. -cgl and -cgr now forces the AI to change lane (no "too far")
25. Tweaked Familiar AI: worked since being summoned, won't target anything other than hero and jungle creeps to save the 7-hit hero-damage bonus, stun is managed between the two familiars, tweaked the summoning requirement (summon when both are dead or both are in stone form)
26. Tweaked Yurnero's Healing Ward, its AI now only a single line without trigger, it'll consistently follow the hero.
27. Tweaked Familiars' responses near tower.
28. Minor fix to Krobelus' Exorcism
29. Fixed: Pandaren's Earth Panda not running away on Pandaren's low health
30. Fixed AI Hero inconsistencies when running away on low health.
31. Fixed: Rubick's spellsteal stealing AI's town portal.
32. Fixed: several AI doesn't learn attribute bonus: Visage, Dirge, KotL, Phoenix, etc.
33. Added AI specific timer for gem.
34. NEW AI: Rubick
35. Now gem costs gold (700).
36. Sentry now has gold check (200), but doesn't actually cost gold on buy. IMHO, at the very least, AI don't get raped by invisible heroes.
37. -cgm/l/r tweak: allow change lane from faraway lane, fixed response problem.
38. Scroll of town portal routine tweak: allow Furion to use Teleportation instead, added polar projection function (AI will teleport behind the target), added cooldown.
39. AI no longer denies raxes and super-towers if no nearby enemy heroes present (not fully tested).
40. -ogl/r/m tweak completed.
"Too far" heroes used teleportation to get to designated lane.
If teleportation is not available, the hero will go mid instead and a hero from mid will go to designated lane.
41. Added -cneu (same function as -cneut)
42. Added a filter check for channeling skills during important and key AI decisions...
43. Complete tweaking on AI commands (incomplete test): -oa / -od / -osd / -oroshan now give per-unit response, allow channeling heroes to accept commands, cosmetic tweak on responses, enabling "0" to be typed on AI command to represent player 10, enabling -ob / -of to be used without parameter (represent all allies), allow -ot to use "a" (or "x") as allied player ID to represent the whole team.
44. Fixed problems with Nature Attendants and Scarabs. Nature Attendants' animation fixed
45. Bugfix on Krobelus' Exorcism function (was a possibility to trigger overtrigger)
46. Item CACHE system completed.
47. Item cache system tweak: added condition to force AI to take the cached items once: 1) 3 items are in cache, or 2) total items cached cost >2000
48. AI Buy routine tweak:
- put a check to prevent AI from dropping "free" RoR or Salve
- added gem/ward buying announcement
- limited the ward charges, now AI will only buy when remaining charges is less than 2.
49. Fixed (?): AI Buy routine bug, sometimes item doesn't add properly.
50. Fixed: AI TP doesn't cooldown properly.
51. Fixed: AI movement go back and forth if fail to go back to base (e.g. fail to teleport)
52. Return AI's Boot of Speed on TP failure, lower CD by 3 sec, added mana check
53. Added tango and sentry ward as substitutable items for TP, remodelled the function to allow easier substitute.
54. Tweaked the item caching, now completely support Syllabear.
55. DEPRECATED the AI buyback code, now simulating a true buyback (with cooldown).
56. Reverted all Kaldr's IceBlast hack. (and replaced them with a more "hacking" hack for the Blast to trigger ). Now Kaldr use proper Ice Blast.
57. Added additional effects to mark AoE of IceBlast, visible to allies only, as in Dota 2.
58. Changes to SunStrike and IceBlast Aiming.
59. A little tweak to Invoker`s GhostWalk breaking.
60. New defense system with improved calculation (for debugging purpose we can still see the AI's defending response)
61. New hero choosing system (class system implemented: Str Tanker / Str-Agi Battle / Agi DPS / Int Support / Int Nuke. AI will choose 1 from each class, including humans' heroes in the calculation)
62. Fixed AI's item bug when AI died before the whole item routine completed.
63. Fixed AI's hero spawn position.
64. Modified the AI -repick (now using IF's code)
65. Projectile aiming rewritten.
66. Added "report missed hero" system. (current delay to report: 30 sec)
67. Tweaked AI ChangeLane algorithm (incomplete), now AI should change lane when not visible and from a better point.
68. Fixed Pit Lord's Rain of Fire only calling 1 wave.
69. Removed all AI movement on start of game (now AI stay still in their creation point, to mimic humans)
70. -airepick now based on hero class unless 20 tries are unable to find hero of same class.
71. Removed Player ID from -cn
72. MeatHook dodge changed. No -ld in it, but reaction time 0.2s.
73. Impale dodge changed. (?)
74. Added aiAbilities system, which is a predefined integers saved in hashtable for use with abilities cooldown, manacost, range, and AoE
75. Tweaked movement in AI defense, movement on AI encounter with stronger force.
76. Added new eyecandy on AI commands.
77. Added command:
-aimsg = toggle on/off the AI messaging system
-aimsgmiss = toggle on/off the AI report missing system
78. Removed debug AI message for defense system
79. Automatically disables AI report missing system after all enemy heroes reached lv11
80. Added teleport function to defend lv2 towers.
81. Minor tweak on AI command -ct and -cg.
82. Tweaked AI teleporting on tower defense, AI gank system.
83. Fixed recent bug on -ct response.
84. Fixed problems with Exorcism and Attendants (again, but now working better).
85. Fixed problems with human war-balance register.
86. Fixed item build for Sacred Warrior, Axe, Shadow Fiend.
87. Note about AI itembuild error:
- AI will sometimes store some items in memory (called "buffered items"), to make room for any added new items. After the routines, most of the times the items are returned.
- Up till now, these items are the one creating error messages for Huskar, Axe, and Nevermore, as these heroes have buggy build which doesn't allow the buffered items to return (full inventory).
- The current error report will show which items are on error: CORE or BUFFER. BUFFER error is and will be handled by selling the items. However, BUFFER error MUST not disturb AI normal build.
88. Added AI Board feature, allowing to see what an AI is doing. Turn on/off with -aiboard.
89. Major tweak to defense system.
90. Increased AI support on attacked heroes, now working globally (use TP/travel, Teleportation, and Haunt-Reality)
91. Known problem: missing AI (suspected from failed custom revive. Currently disabled.)
92. Known problem: AI defense not ended for longer time than expected.
93. Disabled AI Creep Deny in presence of enemy tower.
94. Disabled AI for Rexxar's Hawk until better AI is developed (reason: it's a free gold....)
95. Tweaked AI changing lane system to use ganking waypoints, nothing actually differs. However, this is a requirement for....
- Added "gank cancel" routine on contact with stronger force.
96. AI now uses Glyph of Fortification.
97. Fixed melee AI still lasthitting in presence of tower, added better calculation.
98. Minor tweak to AI pings, now resembles humans'.
99. Tweak to function GetUnitEHP, now using better calculation.
100. Fixed several miscalculated arrays to conform RGB's and several tweaks.
101. Fixed AI using targetted items on creep.
102. Minor tweak on gank (increases allies' support).
103. Minor tweak on AI behaviour and AI assisting.
104. Full support for cooldown system and ability data, including Aghanim's skills and "growing skills" like Krobelus' and Magi's.
105. Major tweak on item system. Now itembuild should not have problem anymore.
106. Added -aiglyph (toggle the AI autoglyph. Will remind players instead if turned off and glyph is required on a faction with AI)
107. Fixed AI Actions board from colliding with -ii
108. Fixed disconnecting bug on multiplayer.
109. Fixed AI not going solo.
110. Rewrote lvl 1 and lvl 2 tower defense mech.
111. Fixed defense mech and ganking mech on observer mode.
112. Added auto-lane distribution system.
113. Minor tweak to Luna's AI.
114. Ported -de/-dg
- adjusted AI exp and gold bonus to 6.71b
- modified -dg bonus gold to be given partially along with normal gold income
- modified -de/-dg display in multiboard (now displayed in "AI Actions" column if AI board is enabled (-aiboard) and -aishowde/-aishowdg/-aishowdedg/-aishowdynamic is used. It`s available in observer mode by default.
- added color theme to -de/-dg display.
115. Changed Pudge's itembuild.
116. Fixed AI keep "pausing" when owning Magic Wand and is not in full life.
117. Several minor tweaks on AI behaviour... too many to log.
118. Fixed bug on itembuy system where a hero's build cannot continue and is continuously patrolling to base.
Note: some problems with itembuild still exist to fix later.
119. Fixed bug on gank cancel, gank change target.
120. Fixed AI for Naga Siren and Terrorblade. Added refresher's script to Warlock.
121. Fixed major bug which prevent AI's auto-lane balance from working.
122. Fixed minor bug with changing lane from near base.
123. Fixed major (but rare) bug with ganking.
124. Fixed AI strange behavior caused by Wand. Allowed AI to use Stick on same logic.
125. Added AI message on retreat and jungling.
126. Added -am (advancedmode) and -bm (beginnermode), representing NENG and HEHGDEDG respectively.
127. Added AI command "citemfix " to fix an AI unexpected broken item build. (not yet ready... just for future Rev use)
128. Fixing several itembuilds (not finished yet)
129. Minor tweak to laning system.
130. Added Spellsteal AI (imperfect, but is nice enough for now).
131. Modified Rubick's itembuild to use skadi instead of aghanim.
132. Fixed hero AI for the following:
- Rooftellen (leech seed)
- Magnus (skewer)
- Alchemist (unstable concoction)
- Jah'rakal (most of his AI)

133. Improved hero AI for the following:
- Rubick (enable delayed spellsteal)
- CM (animation cancel for all spells)
- Terrorblade (changed skillbuild)
134. Lowered defense threshold for low-level towers.
135. Fixed various bugs in tower defense and tank system.
136. Added special column for DE/DG board.
137. Minor tweak to various hero AI.
138. Fixed the following heroes' AI:
- Magnus (Reverse Polarity, skill build)
- Slardar (Slithereen Crush)
139. NEW AI: Storm Spirit (everything + AI skill fix)
140. Improved the following heroes' AI:
- Troll Warlord (now using ranged as base form)
141. Fixed bug on multi-triggered Storm's Overload.
142. Fixed several bugs in laning and teleporting.
143. ADDDED NEW SYSTEM to chase enemy in fog even better.
144. Fixed major bug on laning system
145. Improved the following AI:
- Slithereen Guard (early Amplify)
- Magnus (working Reverse)
146. Fixed the following AI:
- Dirge (complete overwrite)
- Terrorblade (better Sunder, not perfect yet)
147. NEW AI: Admiral (didn't have AI before)
148. Fixed the following AI:
- Undying (skillbuild & spell usage)
- Soul Keeper (far better Sunder use)
- Pit Lord (Rain of Fire should not cancel anymore)
- Slithereen Guard (better use of Amplify)
149. Nightcrawler (Pounce AI).
150. Fixed AI for following:
- Terrorblade (Sunder condition)
- Admiral (Ship use, X-Torrent combo, spamming Tidebringer)
- Dirge (fixed using Decay on allies)
160. Fixed bug on AI wrong "war mode"
161. Fixed bug on enemy AI message occasionally appeared.
162. Major fix on AI item system.
163. NEW heroes AI:
- Alleria (new)
- Clockwerk (new)
164. Fixed Kunkka`s ship usage.
165. Fixed bug in item system regarding quelling blade on melee-ranged hybrid heroes.
166. Fixed bug + improved assist system + Various minor all around tweaks
167. Fixed the heroes AI:
- Clockwerk (added extra mana and warbalance condition to Cog)
168. Fixed bug on Tp from air system.
- Improved the following heroes AI:
169. Techies (better mine usage and battle mode).
170. Tauren skills (tweaked)
171. Clockwerk (can break free from cog).
172. Nerfed the following hero AI:
- Windrunner (now cannot aim shackle on invisible heroes)
173. Fixed bug in AI doesn't destroy gem properly. Divine Rapier is now actually destroyed instead of script removal + many minor tweaks.
174. NEW AI for the following:
- Gyrocopter (new)
- Shadow Demon (new)
- Batrider (new)
- Guardian Wisp (new)
175. Fixed AI for the following:
- Ancient Appariton (Ice Blast)
- Techies (better mine usage)
176. Fixed bug of heroes unable to last-hit/deny.
177. Fixed bug of AI trying to bypass towers and get patrolling instead.
178. AI can now pick Gem (tested) and Divine Rapier (not tested).
179. abilitydata.slk 2 new custom abilities fixing impossible AI skill usage:
- CF01 (Troll Warlord Ranged Whirling Axes)
- CF02 (Batrider Firebreak)
180. AI can now Roshaning and picking Aegis correctly. Cheese will be destroyed if not picked.
181. Divine Rapier can now be destroyed properly by AI.
182. Fixed bug with Overpower.
183. Fixed Lanaya not using Refraction.
184. Improved AI for the following:
- Techies (no mine in forest/runespoot)
- Gyro (no longer spamming Call Down)
185. Attempted to fix AI sentry ward glitch + Minor tweaks in various parts.
186. Fixed AI for the following:
- Naix Infest
- Naga - Ensnare, Song of Siren, Critical Strike replaced with Rip Tide
- Chen`s Holy Persuasion new id
- Pit Lord - Firestorm
- Troll - Blind replaced with Whirling Axe
- Ursa Warrior - Overpower new abID
- Requiem of Souls: A29J
- Slithereen Crush: A29K
- Reverse Polarity: A29L
- Beastmaster got Agha upgrade + new abilityid
- Dark Seer Wall of Replica Agha upgrade
- Pit Lord - Expulsion
- Terrorblade - Meta morphosis , new passive (new skills build)
- Tidehunter - Anchor Smash reworked
- Thundergod's Wrath: A29G
- Thundergod's Wrath Aghanim: A29H
- Ravage: A29I
No problem skills:
- Spirit Breaker - CoD
- Phoenix - birds
187. Improved the following AI:
- Techies (fixing mine position in top-left and bottom-right corner, fixing lane-disruption)
- Tidehunter (using Anchor for creeping)
- Ancient Appariton (IceBlast)
- Gyrocopter (Call Down)
- Zeus (Thundergod's) is now used to prioritize low-life target
- Phantom Assassin (now can Phantom Strike further target on escape)
- Guardian Wisp (Tether on escape)
- Faerie Dragon (Phase Shift is now script controlled)
- Batrider (Firebreak now will be used eventhough the direct hit is not achievable)
- Batrider, Windrunner, Priestess (using Pudge's side-dance, are not guaranteed to work)
- Priestess, Pudge (using Sebra's aiming func for arrow/hook)
188. Fixed the following AI:
- Prophet (now should use Wrath, prioritizing low-life hero)
- Sand King (now using Sand Storm properly)
- Shadow Demon (Shadow Poison)
189. Rubick (Spellsteal no longer intercept EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
190. Keeper of the Light (major rewrite)
191. Fixed Techies remote mine not detonating, allowed 2 remote to detonate against creeps.
192. Force-fixed the spell-against-dead bug.
193. Tweaked -DE -DG, now heroes without kill/death/assist will automatically get bonus in 3 mins.
194. Attempt to fix AI laning bug by rewriting priority timer.
195. Attempt to fix AI casting spells on dead units.
196. Tweaked exp/gold gamemodes
197. DE/DG now compatible with HE/HG/NE/NG
198. Added new modes:
-bm (beginner mode) for neng
-am (advanced mode) for nengdedg
-xm (xtreme mode) for hehgdedg
199. Tweaked the DE/DG number.
200. DE/DG is disabled by default.
201. Added support for NT/NM/NB for laning system.
202. Added bug-fix addition to AI Board of dead heroes counted as alive.
203. Removed AI Bad Hero filter. (PBMN> may be added in later Rev for filtering the really bad AIs)
204. Various and countless tweaks in AI behavior which didn`t get logged in the coding process.

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Thursday, 24 May 2012

DotA IMBA 3.82 AI Download and Changelogs

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands

3.82 Changelog:


-Added New Strength Hero: Earth elemental, Rocky(Melee Hero)
Base attack: 41~44
Day/Night vision range: 1800/800
Base armor: 0
Base strength and strength growth: 30 + 3.0
Base agility and agility growth: 12 + 1.2
Base intelligence and intelligence growth: 21 + 2.3
Base movement speed: 305
Skills: Stone Roller, Great Bash, Seismic Waves, Rocks Crack

-Added New Agility Hero: Ember Spirit, Xin(Melee Hero)
Base attack: 30~34
Day/Night vision range: 1800/800
Base armor: 2
Base strength and strength growth: 25 + 2.0
Base agility and agility growth: 28 + 1.8
Base intelligence and intelligence growth: 26 + 1.8
Base movement speed: 310
Skills: Searing Chains, Sleight of Fist, Flame Guard, Fire Remenant

-Added New Agility Hero: DarkNight Assassin, Tinna(Range Hero)
Attack Range: 250
Base attack: 25~26
Day/Night vision range: 1800/1800
Base armor: 4
Base strength and strength growth: 22 + 2.0
Base agility and agility growth: 34 + 3.6
Base intelligence and intelligence growth: 14 + 1.1
Base movement speed: 315
Skills: Extermination, Lady Phantom, Penetration, Strangulation

-Added New Intelligent Hero: Hellwerth Wolf, Cerberus(Range Hero)

Attack Range: 600
Base attack: 27~39
Day/Night vision range: 1800/800
Base armor: 4
Base strength and strength growth: 21 + 2.0
Base agility and agility growth: 18 + 1.8
Base intelligence and intelligence growth: 24 + 2.9
Base movement speed: 300
Skills: Dark Burst, Sin Mark, Soul Flunctation, Shackles

Phantom Assasin
-Remove cast animation
-Tweaked Silfthing Dagger effect
Cast toward normal units damage rescale to 100/150/200/250, Slow time rescaled from 1/2/3/4 to 2/2.5/3/3.5
-Phantom Strike effect rebalanced
-Blur effect rebalanced
-Coup de Grace effect rebalanced
-Scepter effect tweaked
Decrease attack animation time from 1.7 to 1.3

-Fixed casting Sprout will cause Linken being activate

-Doom AOE effect is no longer can blocked by Linken now

Vengful Spirit
-Nether Swap no longer can blocked by Linken

-Illusary Orb teleport key changed back to E

-Removed Penetration with a new skill: Holy Flame
-Rebalanced Test of Faith
-Removed Holy Persuadtion with a new skill: Holy Prayer
-Remade Hand of God effect
-4 skills icons changed

-Bezerker's Call AOE effect rescaled from 625 to 550 and can be debuff

Remade: Naga Siren
-Removed Mirror Image with a similar new skill: Naga's Image
-Improved trap effect
The trap can now being pulled back
-Rebalanced Song of Siren effect

-Torrent skill icon changed

Sand King
-Remade Caustic Finale

Witch Doctor
-Maledict no longer works on unit out of vision

Rescaled: Dragon Knight
-Breathe Fire cooldown time decreased from 12s to 6s, damage increase from 75/150/225/300/ to 150/225/300/375
-Removed Dragon Tail and replaced with a new skill: Howling Blast
-Now all transformed dragon form have poison attack buff

-Poison attack now lowers target 12% attackspeed and movement speed
-Elder Dragon cooldown time decreased from 110s to 90s

-Primal Split ability code re-code

-Fixed Fiend's Grip cannot be blocked by Linken properly

-After gaining Scepter, you cannot sell or drop the item

-Removed Bloodrage cast time


Medallion of Courage
-Can blocked by Linken now

Shiva's Guard
-Fixed slow effect can blocked by Linken

Phase Boot
-Bonus movement speed effect increase from 60 to 70

New item: Soul Ring
Requirements: Null Talisman + Sobi Mask (810gold)
Passive effect: All stat +3, Intelligent +3, Mana regeneration speed increase 75%
Active effect: Convert 150hp to 175mp, cooldown time 25s

Remade: Eye of Skadi
-Removed receipe cost (6150>5400)
-Tweaked bonus stat effect from all stat +25, hp +200, mp +150 to all stat +30, hp +300, mp +300
-Frost attack effect removed and replace with new buff effect: Frost Geminate
Effect: Casting skill will decrease target movement and attack speed by 30% for 4s while normal attack will decrease 45% for 4s
-Added new passive effect: Chill Grave
Effect: Every point of max hp will increase your attack damage by 0.03 and every point of max mp will increase your magic damage by 0.06

Power Treads
-Fixed illusions unable to get 12 points attribute

-Lucky Draw renamed Lucky Time

Smoke of Deceit
-Fixed Courier unable to buy SoD

Blessing System:
Removed all 6 blessing and replaced with whole 3 new blessing.

Eagle's Eye
Increase 20 movement speed. Increase hp and mp regen speed by 0.8+0.2*Hero Level. Increase 17% bonus experience.

Leopard's Howl
Increase attack damage by 8+3*Hero Level. Increase armor by 0.6+0.2*Hero Level. Killing every hero will heal 15% of your hp.

Snake's Toxic
Increase magic damage by 21+4*Hero Level. Casting skill will heal 30% of your cast skill mp needed. Every second gains 1 more bonus gold.


-Some of the skill description text colour changed from green to white
-Ethereal buff is able to debuff now
-Fixed scoreboard icon error bug
-All map data had been rearranged to make it more easier to make changes
-Fixed some text error
-Fixed illusions stuck bug
-New PRD system to reduce chance of continuous critical
-New RVS system to reduce specific skills lag
-Rebalanced FN mode creep respawn time
-Remade RD mode
-Added new game command: -mm to check your bonus magic damage value
-Killed by neutral creeps no longer give enemy exp and gold
-Hero is now unable to move when the game ended
-Neutral stops dropping cheap items, ex. Gaunlet of Strength, Iron woodbranch
-In AK and SS mode, you can get a lucky draw chance when you killed a beyond godlike enemy (unstackable)
-Scoreboard show more details when the game end

-New abbrevation/combined game mode:

-sap (SD, AK, No neutral, Only mid, Anti-backdoor, Super Creep, Super tower, UL, Randomized stat mode 1)

-sal (SD, AK, No neutral, Only mid, Anti-backdoor, Super Creep, Super tower, UL, Randomized stat mode 2)

-spl (SD, AK, No neutral, Only mid, Anti-backdoor, Super Creep, Super tower, UL, Randomized stat mode 3)

DotA IMBA 3.81 CN series Downloads

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

DotA IMBA 3.81b CN

DotA IMBA 3.81c CN

DotA IMBA 3.81d CN

DotA IMBA 3.81e CN

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands

DotA IMBA 3.81 EN Stable Download and Changelog

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands


  • Fixed Geminate Attack non-stop multi-attack bug

Crystal Maiden

  • Fixed Frostbite unable to debuff


  • Coup de Grace critical chance is 20% now


  • Fixed Refraction unable effect on Toss

Linken’s Sphere

  • Mechanism improved
  • Fixed not working on Eul’s Tornado effect

Monkey King Bar

  • Removed system error causing it become Orb effect item


  • Dragon Turtle respawn rate lowered to 20%
  • Others new neutrals describe in 3.81 respawn rate is 40% now


DotA IMBA 3.80d CN and EN Download

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

DotA IMBA 3.80d CN

DotA IMBA 3.80d EN

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands

DotA IMBA 3.80c CN Download

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands

DotA IMBA 3.80b CN Download

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands

DotA IMBA 3.80 CN Download and Changelogs

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands


Added a new hidden shops, selling all kinds of random rare items

How to get random items??
After roshan died 4 times, click on roshan and u will see that he "sell" 2 random rare items.

Note: These items are very expensive.

To get different variety of rare items, just kill roshan again and wait for him to respawn and he might "sell" different items from the previous ones.

What are those random items?
T-Shirt of Nevermore (100,000 gold)

Shadowraze (active)
75 mana
10 sec CD

Greater Tankard O' Terror (20,000 gold)

+146 attack damage
+50 strength
+50 agility

Killing machine (passive)
Gives a 10% chance to deal 4x normal damage on an attack

Broken Amulet of Destruction (500,000 gold)

Improves all skill effects by 7 levels
100% chance on all percentage-based items and skills

Aries (300,000 gold)

Aries (passive)
+5 armor
+25% spell resistance
+20 armor to allies (900 AOE)
+70% spell resistance to allies (900 AOE)

Leo (300,000 gold)

Leo (passive)
Unless a unit has equal or more gold than you do, it cannot kill you. Does not apply to Sentinel/Scourge creeps.

Direbrew's Bloody Shanker with Blood (25,000 gold)

+108 attack damage
+47 strength
+50 agility

Lethal Weapon (passive)
Gives a 25% chance to deal 2.5x normal damage on an attack

Unlucky Ring (150,000 gold)

+7 armor
+5 strength
+9 intelligence

Jinx's Doomed Fate
Causes the HP of surrounding enemy units to never exceed your current HP.

Dragon's Call

+41 attack damage

Summon Dragon
Gives a 14% chance on attack to summon a Black Dragon to fight for you. Lasts 25 seconds.

Paracriz's Axe (30,000 gold)

+75 attack damage

Paracriz's Blessing
Immune to critical strikes
Gives a 2% chance to deal 18x normal damage on an attack

Headless Horseman's Head (50,000 gold)

+10 armor

Immunize yourself against those damage that is larger than 15% of your max HP.

Ghost Potion (2 charges)

Transforms you to Ethereal Form for 4 seconds. While in this form,
you can neither attack nor be attacked and you take 40% bonus damage from spells. 2 charges.
Cooldown 60 seconds.

 Wind Runner
-Reworked Shackle Shot
-Reworked Powershot
-Fix Windrunner that may cause lost of control

 Bane Elemental
-Reworked Enfeeble
-Fiend's Grip is now gaining vision for affected heroes for a short period and Fiend's Grip is now working properly for all enemies even they are out of sight

-Reworked Lucent Beam
-Improved ability data of Moon Glaive that makes the bount counts more accurately
-Improved Eclipse effect. Eclipse is now having lesser cool down time

 Mirana-Elune's arrow flying speed reduced

-Split shot is now improved
Split base damage has been tweak to full damage

-Wrath of Nature is now gaining extra magic damage from the Circle of Power's Rune effect. Wrath of Nature bouncing system tweak, makes the bounce time more effective to whole map enemies and creeps

 Queen Of Pain-Scream of Pain is now effect to dark sight area
-Redata Sonic Wave, makes the skill become less lag

-Reworked Fatal Bonds
-Changed the vision effect after obtained Aganhim Scepter and Grow effect

 Witch Doctor-Paralyzing Cask ability data improved, the damage of Paralyzing Cask is reduce after gaining rune effect that may increase magic damage

 Shadow Fiend-Shadowraze blast area has been reworked, Damage rescale from 75/150/225/300 to 130/220/310/400; Damage type changed to Physical Attack, Magic Damage;those enemies affected Shadowraze will decrease movement speed by 50 for 3 seconds, effect can be stacked
-Reworked Necromastery and vision effect changed
-Reworked Presence of the Dark Lord

 Bristleback- Fix Viscous Nasal Goo for losing the slow effect; Viscous Nasal Goo is now reducing attack damage too

 Kunkka-Rescaled Ghost Ship stun duration from 4 to 3/4/5

-Berserker's Call is now works on affected enemies in any status(stun, pause, sleep, etc)

-Reworked Echo Slam's data, the area of reflected damage becomes more bigger and now affected to ALL UNITS.(Even in BKB)

-Reworked Spectral Dagger
-Haunt's illusion is now having Desolate effect

-Bash hotkey is now setting to B

 Chaos Knight-Rescaled Chaos Bolt stun duration
-Reworked Phantasm

Ethereal Hunter-Attack animation time changed from 1.7 to 1.5, Casting time from 1 to 0.5

-Rescaled Blade Fury spining area from 350 to 250/300/350/400

 Storm Spirit-Ball Lightning will stop casting if you get silenced;Reduce Ball Lightning Damage 30%

-Animation Lightning Bolt improved
-Static Field now works on all units
-Animation Thundergod's Wrath improved

Lord of Avenus-Lord of Avenus's skills is now combined in -os mode
-Borrowed Time now works on Friendly units and last longer after Scepter
-Aphotic Shield Ability redata

 Treant Protector-Skills of Treant Protector is now in -ak system
-Treant Protector Regen Skill (Sorry I forgot the skill name) is now rebalanced in Day 1% to 0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5, in night still remains same

-Flesh Golem AOE skill can be debuff now

-Shrapnel AOE vision is now rescaled from 500/625/720/875 to 600

-Reworked Reaper's Sythe

 Lina Inverse-Reworked Laguna Blade

 Clockwerk Globlin-Hookshot data reworked, now your vision will bring to the enemy you hook

-Razor's illusion is now unable to use Unstable Current's effect


DotA IMBA 3.79E CN and EN Download

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

DotA IMBA 3.79E CN

DotA IMBA 3.79E EN Stable

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands

DotA IMBA 3.79d CN Download

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands

DotA IMBA 3.79c CN Download and Changelogs

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands



Ancient Apparition
- Fixed errors with attributes

Dragon Knight
- Fixed Dragon Tail's damage type (used to be physical)

Faceless Void
- Fixed Time Lock from malfunctioning

- Reworked mechanics behind Tornado
- Fixed various bugs allowing Tornado to kill enemies in one hit

Lord of Avernus
- Borrowed Time now works even if disabled

- His orb now no longer has a cooldown.

Nerubian Weaver
- Fixed Stealth causing randomed skills to have no cooldown

Obsidian Destroyer
- Arcane Orb's bonus damage rescaled from 6~9% max MP to 6~12% of current MP.
- Astral Imprisonment now grants a bonus 3/6/9/12 MP per point of Intelligence.
- Sanity's Eclipse reworked.

Priestess of the Moon
- Elune's Arrow now has a slightly higher movement speed.
- Projectile of Elune's Arrow now moves faster over distance

Shadow Fiend
- Fixed Shadowraze from affecting allied units, as well as dealing incorrect amounts of damage.

- Dispersion no longer aggros neutrals
- Dispersion damage reflect no longer hurts Roshan

Tauren Chieftain
- Fixed Echo Stomp from not working with magic immune units
- Fixed Split Earth from malfunctioning with Aghanim's Scepter

- Rearm no longer contributes mana to La Notte Eterna

Tirisfal Guardian
- Fixed Planescape from instantly killing units when used with Diffusal Level 2

Treant Protector
- Nature's Guise now provides 10% bonus movement speed and 33% regeneration bonus to the target.
- Rewrote Overgrowth tooltip

- Reworked Eye in the Forest

- Reworked Living Armor


Ancient Janggo of Endurance
- Fixed Janggo from having infinite charges

- A courier that obtains the Flying Courier recipe automatically transforms into a Flying Courier.

- Butterfly Effect no longer affects Couriers

Darkmoon: Sublime
- Raised the chance of triggering effect from 5% to 7%
Darkmoon: Earthquake
- Reworked mechanics issues

Linken's Sphere
- Reworked the mechanics to completely remove the possibility of duplicating Linken Runes

Scroll of Town Portal
- Fixed bug with Circle of Power

- Chain Lightning now no longer affects units outside sight, as well as Wards

New Mode

- Unlimited Leveling (UL)
Max level capped at 255; buyback gold limits adjusted accordingly.

DotA IMBA AI 3.79b CN Download

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands

DotA IMBA 3.79 CN Download and Changelogs

IMBA map contains normal heroes with their powers made IMBA. New IMBA items also available.

This is for FUN only. Enjoy Playing.

For more details about commands in IMBA mode visit DotA IMBA mode Commands



- Removed Spin Web from list of random skills

Crystal Maiden
- Fixed Frostbite's passive from not going into 'cooldown' when triggered

Drow Ranger
- Reworked Frost Arrows

Now an active skill. Releases 6 frost arrows in an arc, dealing damage and slowing affected units' movement and attack speeds for 3s (7s on normal units).

Damage: 85/140/195/260
ms slow: 10/20/30/40%
as slow: 5/10/15/20%
Cast range: 1000
cd: 6.5s
MP cost: 45
- Temporarily removed Enchantress for rework; will be back in next version

Faceless Void
- Reworked Time Walk

Now reduces ms by 50% and as by 50~200% of all units on the path. Units within the AoE of the path's end will be stunned for 0.25~1s.
- Rescaled Backtrack. Now gives 10~31% chance (up from a max of 25%)

- Reworked Time Lock

10~22% chance to disable the primary target and all enemies within 225 AoE for 2s (1 for heroes) and deal 40~70 bonus physical damage.
Also fixed Time Lock and Chronosphere causing attacks to miss.

- Changed Chain Frost's first hit effect from sleep to channel-breaking.

- Open Wounds optimized; fixed units outside sight range losing some ms reduction.

Lord of Avernus
- New icon for Frostmourne
- Fixed Frostmourne malfunctioning with Ion Shell, and from multiple procs on one attack.
- Fixed Borrowed Time from malfunctioning under stuns

- Buffed Summon Wolves

At Levels 3 and 4, Spirit Wolves gain Rush. This skill allows them to charge at an enemy, stunning it for 1s; it has a cooldown of 11s.
- Buffed Howl
Increases hero damage by 20/35/50/65
Increases normal units' damage by 40/60/80/100%
Increases attack speed of units by 20/30/40/50
- Fixed Feral Heart being retained when changing heroes in -deathmatch.

Medivh, Tirisfal Guardian
- Fixed ultimate from healing units with Strygwyr's Thirst
- Arcane Disturbance (3rd skill) no longer aggros neutrals.

Moon Rider
- Moon Glaives now deals physical damage, and takes into account every affected units' armor separately.

Murloc Nightcrawler
- 1s cooldown added to Pounce's lifesteal effect.

Nerubian Assassin
- Replaced Spiked Carapace by Sneak

- Every 2 seconds that the NA stays outside 1000 range of enemy sight, he gains 1 Sneak charge; every 3 seconds he remains within the range, he loses 1 charge.
- Each charge grants 20 bonus damage.
- Charges are reset when NA launches an attack on an enemy.
- The same attack slows the target by 45%, and lasts 1s more for each charge.
- Replaced Poison Attack with Malignant Poison
A/N: When pumping 1st skill for the first time, the icons display wrongly.

Deals half of the target's missing HP as bonus damage, up to 70/140/210/280 bonus damage, and deals 6/12/18/24 damage for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 2/1/0/0
MP cost: 10
- Replaced Nethertoxin with Poison Gush
Poison gushes in the Netherdrake's attacks. Reduces attack damage, armor and movement speed of the target unit and all enemy units within 75 AoE.

Damage red: 20/30/40/50
Armor red: 3/5/7/9
ms red: 20/30/40/50
- Buffed Corrosive Skin
Affected units additionally lose 4/6/8/10 armor for the duration
- Reworked Viperstrike
Deals constant 100 damage/s for the duration of this spell. For the first 4s, target loses 25/50/75/100% attack and movement speeds. For the remainder of the duration, the target loses 100% attack and movement speeds.

Lasts 5/6/7s.
Night Stalker
- Buffed Void

Bonus damage now works in the day. Grants 30~75% attack bonus in daytime and 60~150% bonus at night.
- Fixed description of Life Drain

Pandaren Brewmaster
- Reworked Drunken Brawler

The Brewmaster gains evasion; everytime he successfully evades an attack, he temporarily gains movement and attack speed. Passively grants damage based on Agility, as well as a chance to trigger a 2x critical.

Evasion: 6/12/18/24%
Bonus ms and as: 40/60/80/100
Each point of Agi grants 0.4/0.6/0.8/1 damage
Critical chance: 5/10/15/20%
Phantom Lancer
- Removed for rework and optimization.

- Parasitic Flame's explosion damage requirement reduced from 300/600/900/1200 to 300/450/600/750

Shadow Priest
- Weave is now casted when you click on the spell; there is no longer a need to click on the ground a second time to activate it.
- Purge now correctly works for removing Weave.

Shadow Shaman
- Optimized Ether Shock's code.
- Serpent Wards that have split are no longer able to sleep; on the other hand, they gain 10 attack speed on splitting.

Slithereen Guard
- Amplify Damage optimized, text reworked. No longer malfunctions on multiple casts.

Soul Keeper
- Soul Steal (1st) replaced with Shadow of Soul

Creates illusions of all enemy units in the target area. Affected units lose 100% of their physical damage and illusions possess 100% of their original physical damage.
Every attack dealt by these illusions decreases the movement speed of affected units by 15/22/29/36%.
Illusions cannot be selected, controlled, attacked or damaged.

Cast range: 600
AoE: 250
Duration: 5/7/9/11s
Cooldown: 15s
MP cost: 80
- Metamorphosis combined with Conjure Image, now second skill.
Creates 2/2/3/3 illusions and turns the Soul Keeper into a ranged demon with 550 range. Passively increases his movement speed by 20. Illusions take 300% damage, and deal 25/35/45/55% damage.

Duration: 25/30/35/40s
Cooldown: 65s
MP cost: 130
- New skill: Soul Burst
Passively provides 10/15/20/25 ms and 2/4/6/8 bonus HP regeneration every second.

When in Metamorphosis, this skill additionally deals 20/30/40/50 bonus damage that is also splashed to all enemy units within 250 AoE of the target.
- Reworked Sunder
In addition to the HP swap, if the target unit has a higher max HP than the caster, their max HPs are also swapped. This swap lasts 20/30/40s.
Storm Spirit
- Static Remnants now only works on enemy heroes and only if they are within sight range

- Nerfed Ball Lightning.

MP cost increased from 15+7% to 65+7%.

If the unit casting Ball Lightning is stunned, morphed, hexed, ensnared, pause or put to sleep, the skill will stop and the unit will receive the disable but not the damage.
Tauren Chieftain
- Echo Stomp buffed

- IM ability delay reduced from 4~7s to 3~6s.
- Damage increased from half to all
- Stun duration increased from 1/1/2/2s to 1/1.5/2/2.5s.
- No longer works on magic immune units.
- Ancestral Spirit buffed
-Cast range increased from 1000 to 1000/1200/1400/1600.
- Removed max units cap
- Bonus on spirit return increased to 15s.
- Natural Order buffed
AoE increased from 250 to 250/290/330/370
- Split Earth buffed
- Damage increased from 45% of Chieftain's max HP to 40/50/60% of Chieftain's max HP.
- Speed reduction increased from 30/40/50% to 30/50/70%.
- Split Earth gains Aghanim's Scepter effect - raises damage from 40/50/60% to 50/60/70%, and reduces cd from 100s to 65s.

Troll Warlord
- Fixed textual inconsistency in Berserker's Rage at level 3

- Infernals born from Rain of Chaos are now automatically selected.

Witch Doctor
- Malefice is now casted when you click on the spell; there is no longer a need to click on the ground a second time to activate it.


4 new items
Ancient Janggo of Endurance

- Made from Bracer + Robe of the Magi + Recipe (450) = 1425
- +6 all attributes
- Passive: Endurance Aura - grants +3 all attributes and 7% ms and as to all allies within 425 AoE, including self.
- Active: Motivation - Grants 10 damage, additional 27% ms and as to all allied units in 600 AoE. Lasts 6s and has a cd of 30s.
- Active has 4 charges, which can be replenished by buying the recipe.
Medallion of Courage
Made from Chainmail and Shiv of Exsanguination = 1200
- +10 damage, 8 armor.
Passive: attacks ignore 6 armor (orb effect, buff placer, does not stack)
Active: Reduces self and enemy's armor by 6, lasts 7s and has a cd of 7s.
- Added two items (Leo and Aries) to the random-item pot; each has a roughly 1/200000 chance of being obtained.
Reduces your armor by 5 and magic defense by 25%, in exchange for increasing nearby allies' armor by 20 and magic defense by 70%. Bonus does not apply to wielder.

An enemy is unable to slay you if his level or goldcount is less than yours. Does not take effect on creeps, towers or neutrals.
Arcane Boots
- Fixed them healing an additional 135 MP.

Arcane Ring
- Removed.

- Possessing 6 Battlefuries no longer causes them to vanish upon death; they drop on the ground instead.

- Damage Return now considered a buff and can be purged.
- Duration reduced to 4.5s.
- Damage Reutrn's effects are now cancelled when affected by metamorphosis, hex, pauses and Degen Aura.

- Units affected by Butterfly's Butterfly Effect now gain a status bar notification.

Diffusal Blade
- You can now recharge Diffusal Blade (level 2) by buying the recipe.

Heart of Tarrasque
- Fixed visual glitches

La Notte Eterna
- Fixed recipe cost being 0

Linken's Sphere
- Picking up another player's Linken no longer grants a blocking effect
- Fixed Linken Rune exploit (puck, morph etc)

Phase Boots
- Recipe changed to Boots + Chainmail + Blades of Attack. 24 damage reduced to 10 damage; 6 armor added.

Pumpkin Head
- Fixed various damage types causing damage not being blocked.

- Fixed picking up others' Radiance granting the achievement "I'm not ZSMJ" as well

Scroll of Town Portal
- Fixed glitches with dropping and looting Scroll of Town Portal

Shiv of Exsanguination
- Cost reduced from 1200 to 650

Shiva's Guard
- Passive now only triggers from hero attacks and spells, not all attacks and spells.

Thoridal, Stars' Fury
- Changed formula; Demon Edgex2 + Hyperstone + Eaglehorn = 10200
- +100 damage, 30 Agi and 60 attack speed
- Effect of granting bonus agi remains.
- Effect of attacking additional units now has a range equivalent to the user's range (instead of flat 700)
- Number of bonus units reduced from 3 to 1.

Game effects

New testing mode
Within 15s, if the host uses -lo, anti-MH functions will activate. EXPERIMENTAL.

- Stealth Assassin can no longer use -os mode under -ak mode.
- Removed -bh mode.
- You can now random the two new heroes under -sd.
- You will now automatically learn attributes under -ss mode; the icon for Hero Attributes is removed.
- Fixed -sc and -mc memory leaks.
- New neutral under -sc and -mc: Mortar Team. Under -mc mode they spawn like Hydras (after 20 min)

- Fixed Fiery Soul, Craggy Exterior, Essence Aura, Last Word malfunctioning when acting as randomed skills.

- Reworked -cm: it no longer works with other modes.

-cm now automatically activates -fn, -fr, -bb, -sc and -st.
- Pickbans now start 15s after mode activates.
- Each team takes turn to pick 10 heroes and ban 3 heroes each, then select 5 heroes to use.
- You can no longer use the item lottery in this mode.
- Each player starts with 625 gold.
- Neutrals spawn when the creepwave first spawns.

- Moved Glyph of Fortification from Circle of Power to the new shop.
- Shifted location of buy-back in Circle of Power; added a 25s cd.

New buffs in the Circle of Power; player-unique.

Each player can only have one of these active. Each buff has two effects: an effect that grows with hero level (in parenthesis) and another static effect.
1: Sharp Blade: +3(2) damage. Increases hero kill gold by 20%.
2: Resilient Shield: +1(0.2) armor. Decreases hero death gold loss by 35%.
3: Nimbleness: +9(1) movement speed. Decreases respawn time by 20%.
4: Concentration: +0.8(0.2) HP and MP regen/s. Decreases buyback cd by 7s.
5: Fortitude: +90(10) max HP. +1 bonus gold/s.
6: Energy: +21(4) max MP. Increases magic resistance by 18%.
- Mega Creeps created by destroying all Barracks and Temples now have 30 more damage, BAT reduced from 1 to 0.5. Mega Seige units now have 40 more damage, BAT reduced from 2.7 to 2.

Damage system
1. Optimized damage code?
2. Craggy Exterior priority now falls behind Critical
3. Negative damage no longer triggers critical

- All spells which can be affected by bonus magic damage (from Orchid, etc) now have a purple "Ω" attached to their names.

- Achievements now grant special titles.

- Referees can now view additional information on the scoreboard
- Heroes with no random-ed skills will have the Attribute Bonus displayed instead.
- End-game scoreboard improved.

- Fixed hex and metamorphosis skills from removing the visual effects of kill sprees.
- Changed graphics for Wrath of Nature, Ethereal Staff, Elune's Arrow.

- When the game begins, the rune will be refreshed.
- Smoke of Deceit rune now dispels on attacking neutrals.

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