Thursday, 24 May 2012

DotA IMBA mode Commands


Commands available in DotA IMBA map :

-ar: All Random

-rs: Random Skill (get any four random skills to your hero)

-dm: Death Match (get a new hero everytime you die)

-nd: No Deathtime

-fn: Neutrals spawn every 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds.

-fr: Fast Respawn

-st: Super Towers

-sl: Every hero loses one skill (including stats).

-fe: Roshan and forest creeps randomly drop items on death.

-ss: Every hero loses their original skills and gains 4 random skills like in OMG or LOD.

-ak: Every hero gains extra one random skill.(total 5 skills)

-rb: 8 random heroes are banned

-cc: Creeps are able to become hero AIs (last hit, deny, avoid tower, level up, change lanes).

-ce: Every hero gets increased movement speed, regeneration, damage, and all bonuses from the fountain.

-sa: Every hero starts with random stats and stat gains.

-bb: Hitting towers with no enemy creeps nearby will make the tower invincible

-ca: Able to attack your teammates. AIs attack themselves in fountain straight off. You are also able to get First Blood and experience by killing allies.

-id: drop one item when hero dies

-pm: able to use all items although they’re not yours

-ach: This command is used to query all the achievements you have received.

-re: adding an optional hero: mountains of meat (itself only has a “man child domineering waves,” a skill.)

-mc: Modified super creeps

10 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    In IMBA 3.82 these codes don't work and i donot want to use the new combined modes for 3.82. How can i fix this?

  2. Unknown says:

    I have checked these codes in 3.82 myself, they are all working fine

  3. Anonymous says:

    -re didn't work ?

  4. -ce didn't work for allies only for opponent AI.. how it can be ?

  5. Anonymous says:

    does it work on 3.86?

  6. Anonymous says:

    -arfrrsakcefeidpmstssscsa is it Ok mode for the day??

  7. Anonymous says:

    O†en + BiLa† = Kaya†

  8. Anonymous says:


  9. Unknown says:

    Pleas talk to me how to write down af 3.74.3c map

  10. osman says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.

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