Wednesday, 23 May 2012

DotA Theme Manager V5 (DTMV5) | Download and Installation Guide

The DotA Theme Manager - in short: DTM - allows you to change the look of the terrain while still allowing you to play with people who do not use the DotA Theme Manager - on, garena, hamachi, just everywhere.

Multiple themes are available: Beach, Barrens, Snow, Hell, City and Highlands, all of them having a unique design!

Installation Guide

1. Download the newest version of the DotA Theme Manager
2. Unpack the file IN your warcraft folder - in most cases C:\Program Files\Warcraft III.
You can find the paths the files should have below!
3. DO NOT move or rename any of the files you unpacked. The path must be: "\Warcraft III\DTMV4\"
4. If you want it on your desktop, create a shortcut of the exe file.
5. Make sure both your WC3 and your World Editor are closed!
6. Go!

Note: needs to be 'Run as administrator' under Vista to run entirely properly (thanks to Dagguh for this information!).


The DotA Theme Manager uses the following paths for the files:

Warcraft III Folder\DTMV4
-this is the folder you should see when you open your WC3 folder.
In it, you should have:
Warcraft III Folder\DTMV4\DTMV4.exe
-the application itself. Use this executable to start the DotA Theme Manager.
Warcraft III Folder\DTMV4\Data
-the Data-Folder, containing all necessary data the DTM needs to work.
Don't change anything here!

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